29 iulie 2005

JTS Topology Suite

JTS Topology Suite The JTS Topology Suite is an API of 2D spatial predicates and functions. It has the following design goals:

  • JTS conforms to the Simple Features Specification for SQL published by the Open GIS Consortium

  • JTS provides a complete, consistent, robust implementation of fundamental 2D spatial algorithms

  • JTS is written in 100% pure Java

  • JTS is open source (under the LGPL license)

Last version is 1.5 from september 2004. It's a thurstful partner for developing Java GIS applications.

GeoTools - Java GIS Toolkit

GeoTools: Geotools is an open source Java GIS toolkit for developing standards compliant solutions. It provides an implementation of Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) specifications as they are developed. Last version is 2.1. and here is the feature list.

Using JasperReports with Hibernate

www.hibernate.org - Using JasperReports with Hibernate: For those interested in using Jasper Reports with Hibernate, this is real valuable stuff asorted with java code samples. The JRBeanCollectionDataSource will do the job of getting the information from HSQL queries. Integresting stuff in Hibernate Tools for Eclipse and Ant

25 iulie 2005

Enhanced Scrolling for Swing ...

Javalobby - Swing: Enhanced Scrolling for Swing ...: Nice implementation of mouse scrolling in JScrollPane, refined approach. Nice performances from the author too. You could find new tricks from his blog.