23 mai 2006

Tango Project

Tango Project is a project that aims exists to help create a consistent graphical user interface experience for free and Open Source software.
It's very interesting, at least for me it is :)

07 mai 2006

Linus vs. Tanenbaum

Here you can read a interesting dialog between two of the most well known names of IT technology. Enjoy and don't get to involved ! :)

25 aprilie 2006

Lambda Probe

Lambda Probe (formerly known as Tomcat Probe) is a tool for monitoring and management of Apache Tomcat instance in real time. Lambda Probe will help you to visualize real time information about Apache Tomcat instance via easy to use and friendly web interface.

I especially liked the user interface, which is clear, simple and intuitive !

Lipstik LnF

Lipstik LnF is a nice look and feel, kind of sober color combination.. but very nice indeed !

28 martie 2006

Apache MINA

Apache MINA (Multipurpose Infrastructure for Network Applications) is a network application framework which helps users develop high performance and high scalability network applications easily.
Nice job ! Worth a try !

Dual Processor vs Dual Core

Dual Processor vs Dual Core is interesting stuff for those wondering for a buy .. or just for the fun of argument.

Desktop Backgrounds

This site is a very interesting resource of fine desktop backgrounds .. very nice !

06 martie 2006

Free! Icons for your website or application at MaxPower

Free! Icons for your website or application at MaxPower
A nice place to go when searching for the right icon for your site or application. Beware of the license though !

21 februarie 2006

iReport Designer roadmap

iReport roadmap is for me a good sign since I'm still waiting for Hibernate integration implemented in iReport.
As a matter of fact, I didn't tried to build a Jasper Reports report without iReport. And I'm ready for next week release !

20 februarie 2006

JasperReports 1.2 released

JasperReports version 1.2 shows the progress in integration with Hibernate and some improvements about the run-time style modifications.
I'll wait for the iReport to catch up with JasperReports for taking a new try.

09 februarie 2006

Using the Desktop API in Java SE 6 (Mustang)

Using the Desktop API in Java SE 6 (Mustang) is a must read for those interested in developing full-featured desktop applications in Java. It's a nice thing to read about, when you are a Swing application provider too ..
Enjoy ! And hope for sooner beta release of Mustang !

07 februarie 2006

The power of Google Talk

Google Talk is ready to take off in gmail land .. there will be a integrated GoogleTalk client integrated in GMail account, powered by AJAX .. isn't this sweet ? or al least powerfull ? :)
Waiting for the moment ..

06 februarie 2006

Gnome Lazuli Screenshots

Gnome Lazuli Mockups is a place to see the new eventual look of Gnome, a look that I like .. even if KDE is still my favourite.
Worths a look though, even for Windows users ..

02 februarie 2006

NetBeans IDE 5 released

NetBeans IDE 5.0 final released with a bunch of great new features, among them, the most interesting for me it is the Matisse GUI Editor ... even if I'm a Eclipse guy and I'm mostly doing my GUI job writing code without any prototyping other than paper ..
There are some other interesting stuff, like profiler and refactoring, code editor improvements.
I'll give it a try .. the Netbeans development team deserves more than that, but t's a start.

Software Craftsmanship from simonsayz

Software Craftsmanship: it's a nice entry to read, especially if you do recognize some of your own patterns described. At least, I did ..

Top Java Interview questions

Simonsays: Top Java Interview questions: This blog entry is a interesting and fun one .. it was nice to see how far the inventiveness of the interviewer can go. A discussion on this subject started from this blog entry is also available on Javalobby (http://www.javalobby.org/java/forums/t63002.html).
The quest continues ! :)

22 ianuarie 2006

Can you believe this ?

For the second time in last month I went to the mountains and I was corrupted to try skiing..the pictures attached are some prove to my willingness
A static one

and .. a dynamic one

17 ianuarie 2006

Tuning Eclipse Performance

EclipseZone - Tuning Eclipse Performance and Avoiding OutOfMemoryExceptions is a nice article to read .. and if you are a Java developer using Eclipse as your IDE , it may turn that it's really necessary.
Enjoy .. and happy tuning !

13 ianuarie 2006

truelicense: The TrueLicense Library Collection

truelicense: The TrueLicense Library Collection is a collection of Java packages used to securely create, install and verify application licenses for closed source applications.
Looks like a nice thing to try .. and use in some context.

11 ianuarie 2006

Gnash - GNU Flash Movie Player

Gnash - GNU Project Flash movie player is based on GameSWF, and supports many SWF v7 features.
Runs standalone: Gnash can run standalone to play flash movies.
Firefox plugin: Gnash can also run as a plugin from within Firefox.
SWF v7 compliant: Gnash can play many current flash movies.
XML Message server: Gnash also supports an XML based message system as is documented in the Flash Format specification.
High Quality Output: Gnash uses OpenGL for rendering the graphics.

05 ianuarie 2006

Eventum Issue / Bug Tracking System

Eventum Issue / Bug Tracking System is a user-friendly and flexible issue tracking system that can be used by a support department to track incoming technical support requests, or by a software development team to quickly organize tasks and bugs. Eventum is used by the MySQL AB Technical Support team.
Eventum is available under the GNU GPL.
System Requirements
PHP 4.1.0 or newer versions
o PCRE Extension (usually enabled by default with newer PHP versions)
o Session Extension (usually enabled by default with newer PHP versions)
o MySQL Extension (built-in support with most PHP distributions)
o GD Extension
MySQL Database Server
Worths a look .. kind of sober screenshots, though :)

04 ianuarie 2006

iReport - new version 0.5.3

iReport has released a new version 0.5.3 which supports JasperReports 1.1.1 (without crosstabs).
I think I'm going to upgrade too enjoy the frames and styles.

03 ianuarie 2006

ImageMagick: Convert, Edit, and Compose Images

ImageMagick is a free software suite to create, edit, and compose bitmap images. It can read, convert and write images in a large variety of formats. Images can be cropped, colors can be changed, various effects can be applied, images can be rotated and combined, and text, lines, polygons, ellipses and Bézier curves can be added to images and stretched and rotated.

ImageMagick is free software: it is delivered with full source code and can be freely used, copied, modified and distributed. Its license is compatible with the GPL. It runs on all major operating systems.

Most of the functionality of ImageMagick can be used interactively from the command line; more often, however, the features are used from programs written in the programming languages C, Ch, C++, Java, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Tcl/Tk, for which ready-made ImageMagick interfaces (PerlMagick, Magick++, PythonMagick, MagickWand for PHP, RMagick, TclMagick, and JMagick) are available. This makes it possible to modify or create images automatically and dynamically.

ImageMagick supports many image formats (over 90) including formats like GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, PNG, PDF, PhotoCD, TIFF, and DPX.

Blender 3D

Blender is a full functional integrated 3D creation software suite. It lets users create high quality 3D graphics, movies and replay real-time, interactive 3D content. Over the last decade, Blender has evolved as an in-house tool for a leading European animation studio. Blender is powerful technology used for creating broadcast quality 3D content.

Blender is being released with source codes under the GNU Public License.
Blender therefore is fully free to use and distribute within any educational, professional or commercial environment.

Issue Tracker Application Choice

OpenPoint Issue Tracker is a web-based tool designed to monitor and report progress toward resolving issues, bugs, service requests and enhancements. Issues are organized by project, subproject and category.
Could be a free alternative to Jira but .. only if your needs are covered by OpenPoint. I saw that there is a requirement for JDBC-ODBC MS Access .. so the database used is obvious ..
Maybe I'll give it a try.. it's free but not open-source.